Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Physical Effects of Fear - 875 Words

Fear is an emotion that most everyone is familiar with. The psychological effects of fear are readily apparent but many people are unaware of the physical effects. Some of these are major; others are so minor they go unnoticed. The philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti who lived during the 20th century said â€Å"What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.† Understanding the physiology of fear may provide a foundation for better coping and treatment strategies in the future. In order to fully understand the effects of fear on the body, it is†¦show more content†¦Since anxiety is experienced commonly, it is important to be aware of the body’s response. These effects are completely normal, and act as a natural coping method of the body. The physical response to phobias is a bit more extreme. The basic, minor effects begin with sweating, trembling, hot flashes or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a choking sensation, rapid heartbeat, chest pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest, and a sensation of butterflies in the stomach. These increase to symptoms such as nausea, headaches and dizziness, feeling faint numbness or pins and needles, dry mouth, ringing in your ears, and feeling confused or disorientated. Paranoia is similar, but manifests itself through mainly psychological effects. Terror differs from anxiety and phobia in that there may be lasting physical effects. The immediate response is an adrenaline rush call ed the ‘fight or flight’ response. When this is triggered, the person experiencing this intense fear will either face the problem head on, or run from the cause of the terror. The short term effects (those that last for a few days or weeks) are the body’s way of dealing with a particularly frightening trauma. These feelings are those that each person tends to be aware of whenever a situation goes wrong in their lives, and the feelings should seemShow MoreRelatedThe Fall Of The House Of Usher Symbolism Essay830 Words   |  4 Pagesdies of the illness that has plagued her for so long. However, with her death, Roderick begins to change and fear starts to close its cold hands around his psyche. Poe’s story, The Fall of the House of Usher, demonstrates how fear develops into an all-consuming disease. While some may disagree with the idea that fear is the â€Å"disease† that leads to the death of Roderick Usher, its effects can be linked to the symbolism that has been expertly hidden throughout the story. Those who do not agree, likeRead MoreThe Comprehensive Effects of War Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesBullets whizzing and bomb shells flying, an occurrence often thought of as the only negative effect of war and as only happening to soldiers, a simply counterfactual statement. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Pertelote is Much More Than a Mere Hen How Far Do You...

Pertelote is much more than a mere hen how far do you agree with this? I feel that this comment is extremely justified. Chaucer with the use of a beast fable has helped to elevate what would be considered a conventionally boring set of animals, and turn them into portrayals of human beings. As a cock he may have came from the same batch of eggs as his hens, but as poultry it would not matter whether chauntecleer mates with his sisters. However some critics suggest the introduction of the human concept of love, allows Chaucer to make an indiscriminate joke about the behaviour of chickens and the impropriety of such behaviour among people. This suggests that the farmyard is a microcosm of society, which leaves in no doubt that Pertelote†¦show more content†¦Pertelote acts like a wife who does not want the inconvenience of a sick husband. Form the initial Fy on yow, herteless, I of the beloved, her speech becomes full of medical knowledge and erudition and ends with the triumphant homely distinction pekke hem up right as they growe and ete hym yn. She is far from a suppressed individual and acts like a learned diagnostician and doctor. This is a far cry from the role of a mere hen. Pertelotes confidence in her opinion of the dream as a somnium naturale is shown by the assertion of lines 174 - 175 and the pedantic balance of the effects of choler and melancholy. Her exactness is suggested by the repetition of of.. such an impression is also created by the list of herbs. Her deference to Chauntecleer is suggested by pardee. The following lines then show her smug common sense in not overwhelming her husband with her erudition, although she cannot resist a reference to Cato. This suggests that she is trying to impress her husband so that she will do as he asks. This sections tone is full of encouragement and concern. The imperative for goddess love, as taak some laxatyf is followed by reassurances of Pertelotes good faith. Her own guidance will result in the purge. foryet not this, for gods owene love this second instruction warns him to be careful not to develop a more serious complaint, which is followed by a list of plant purges. This speech

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Latin music Essay Example For Students

Latin music Essay I can t say that I have got only one favorite genre, I like everything. However, the most preferable one is dance music, especially Latin music. First of all, I would like to say a few words about Latin music itself. Latin music is a popular art form developed in various Latin American countries, mainly Cuba, and is unique for the type of rhythmic structures it builds upon. It is vocal and instrumental music, originally derived from African religious ironies, however viewed today primarily as dance music. Its strongest characteristic is its rhythm. It is traditionally played by native percussion and string instruments, namely the timbales, congas, bongo, guitar, and the trees (nine-string Cuban guitar). Over time, the piano replaced the guitar as the choral instrument, while the bass, woodwinds, trumpets and trombones were added to play melodies and riffs (repetitions of sound). Latin music is mainly defined by four elements: Music style, geography, cultural background of the artist, and language. Music style includes genres such salsa, Backchat, Latin Pop and Regional Mexican music. For the most part, geography refers to Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. The cultural background includes artists from Latin America or artists with a Latin (Europe)/Latino (US) background. Language refers to Spanish and Portuguese. These four elements interact in different ways and very often a combination of only two or three of these elements is enough to place a given production into the Latin music genre. Famous Latin music artists include legendary singers, songwriters and musicians such as Julio Gallerias, Vaccine Fernando, Celia Cruz, Acetate Evolves, La Sonora Ponca, Selene and Los Tigress del Norte, as well as contemporary megastars like Shakier, Called 13, Man, Prince Royce, Junes, Don Omar and Juan Luis Guard. Now I d like to say about samba music. Samba Rhythm and Music Samba music, with its distinctive rhythm, is highlighted by original Brazilian musical instruments, including the tambourine, Calhoun, record-record and cabala. Samba is danced to music with a tempo of about 100 beats per minute. The fast and energetic rhythm of Samba music encourages spontaneous dancing, such as in the streets during a Carnival celebration. Finally, this kind of music makes me feel alive. It lifts my mood when I am down. The fast rhythm of the songs makes my head nod up and down and my feet stomp all around the place. Dance music makes me happier even if I m already happy, and may be even makes me want to get up and dance no matter where I am or who is watching.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Walk A Mile With A Disability Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Disability Experiment As of 5:00 p.m. on October 1 I became a hard-of-hearing ( as opposed to deaf ) deaf-and-dumb person. I achieved the hearing damage merely by have oning earplugs and became mute merely by non stating a word for the remainder of that twenty-four hours, every bit good as the undermentioned forenoon. The first find that I made was that my household ( and likely everyone else ) listens to the telecasting at a laughably loud volume. Even though both of my ear canals were blocked, I had no jobs understanding what was taking topographic point on the plans that we watched. However I did run into some problem around dinner. We ( my hereafter in-laws ) were stating the approval, but I had to maintain one oculus unfastened so I would cognize when the supplication was over. Another interesting thing was that while driving with the ear stopper in, I became more cognizant of the quivers of my truck, the tyres, and the bumps in the route. We will write a custom essay sample on Walk A Mile With A Disability Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My tyres are non the # 8220 ; normal # 8221 ; highway tire-even though they are absolutely legal-and they generate rather a spot agitating. This shaking is uneven to me though because it isn # 8217 ; t so obvious that I notice it any other twenty-four hours, but merely when my hearing is impaired. The music in my truck besides took on a new function. Normally I use my talkers to submerge out the moaning of the tyres, but now I have discovered that they can be used as a massage. I have felt them clump against my dorsum before, but that thump absent from sound became an aggressive dorsum thumping. As for my drive experiences as a deaf-and-dumb person, everyone should seek it as a manner to get the better of their route fury. It surely stopped my nonmeaningful remarks, non to advert I felt better about myself when I got place. My biggest, yet far from profound, find in this experiment is related to talking. Since address was no option for communicating, I opted for the dry erase board as a signifier of communicating. When authorship is the lone available signifier of communicating ( I am nescient of gestural linguistic communication ) I tend to pick and take carefully what is of import plenty to compose down, every bit good as what is non. This process eliminates useless conversation such as irony, little talk, and meaningless remarks, which I have ever wanted ( I thought ) to acquire rid of anyhow. Certain, I like to cut to the pursuit every bit much as the following cat, but I have started to believe, as a consequence of my little experiment, that it is such little comments that allow us to separate between one another, and to colourise the personality. I do non cognize if the great wages of a conversation absent of B.S. is worth the monetary value of a weakened or watered down personality. Nevertheless, I am about certain now that a tongueless individual would give anything to be able to talk. I know, unhappily plenty, that it was all I could make to maintain lull for a measly eight hours. Which leads me to the decision that even though I am tempted to experience sorry for tongueless people, I likely should non since they sit back and watch all of us make saps of ourselves. A celebrated adult male one time said, # 8220 ; A closed oral cavity gathers no pes # 8221 ; . Bibliography Personal Experiment