Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Age of revolt Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Age of revolt - Research Paper Example This is because institutional processes and instruments accord people with the chance to exchange a regime with one which appears by public judgment to embody better prospects for development, more effective representation of the people’s will and transparency and civil liberties and freedoms. This was the state of affairs in Britain, France and America before the English (1640-1660), French (1789-1799) and American Revolutions (1775-1778), respectively (Lebrun, 839-40). In most instances, there are bouts of political oppression in the run up to the revolution as a possible alternative. While the spates of state-perpetrated injustices may seem to hinder anti-government criticism at a casual glance and from the outset, it bolsters the envisioning of alternative possibilities, of which a revolution is one. According to Frero, there are different forces which facilitate the consideration of alternative possibilities. A powerful or liberated media is one force which may facilitate the consideration of a revolution. This is because, in the absence of government-instigated censorship, the media can air art, literature and political ideologies which are radical enough to inspire a revolution. Nevertheless, there has to be political setbacks such as misrule, corruption and undemocratic tendencies in order for the consideration of revolutionary thought to concretize in the mind of the public (Frero, 84). Another force which plays a pivotal role in the consideration of a revolution as an alternative is radical or revolutionary art, literature or political philosophy. A society wherein the masses are oppressed and socioeconomically exploited by the ruling class is bound to consider a revolution as the means by which it can bring about positive change upon interacting with radical political philosophy such as Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto where the masses are taught that all state

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