Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Day That Changed America essays

The Day That Changed America essays September 11th Two thousand one. Lives were lost, freedom was challenged, and two symbols of liberty were left in ruins. On this very quiet morning of this horrible day, the United States of America was caught off guard. This was the day that changed us all forever. This caused millions of Americans to stop and realize that we were not invincible like we had been trained to think. This was the very day that I realized that there are more important things than what I want. When I first heard that this had happened, I was eating lunch outside. It was my friend that had told me what had happened. And of course not realizing the situation... I went on with lunch laughing and telling jokes as usual. It was little after that I was in for a pretty awful surprise. When I walked into my third period class, I had seen the pentagon burning on one half of the T.V screen and the World Trade Centers which had fallen by this point, in ruins. My stomach had turned inside our and I had a very awful feeling. By fourth period, I was very scared about what else these dirty, evil people were capable of, and being so close to White Sands Missile Range, and knowing that my dad was a State Police officer, I knew that if something ever happened like that, he would be one of the first ones there because thats the kind of man he is. And with that in my head I felt nothing but worry and sorrow for the children whose fathers were lost trying to save others. Till this very day, I still have very deep feelings for those people and I really do wish them the best in life. I could imagine what they have been through but I do know how it feels when your freedom is challenged. And I hope I never have to feel it again. Everybody who put their life on the line that day is considered a hero in my heart and I ...

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