Sunday, January 26, 2020

Daoism: The Opposite Of Confucianism

Daoism: The Opposite Of Confucianism Daoism is the reverse and opposite with Confucianism. Actually Diaosim is a religion in which people separate himself from World, Society and live himself in the very small community in a very simple way. Followers never attachà © themselves in any political affairs. These people keep just away from worldly issues .These people follows the Doctrine of Wei-Wei in which they know what to do and how to act. In Confucisum the people believe in peace and harmony buy by doing it they are supposed to involve in the political affairs and become nonviolent person. Daoism is a disciplined organized and systematic religious tradition that has been continuously developing and transforming itself through across Korea , Japan and China for some 2000 years. Now a days it has spread across globe among its followers which includes whole range of ethinicities and cultural backgrounds.Daoism is not having any founder like Buddha, Jesus nor having any key message like gospel or four noble truths.Rather Daoism is having a history of continuous self improvement , self invention. Daoism can be divided in 4 periods:- Proto Daoism Classical Daoism Modern Daoism Contemporary Daoism Daoism is having three core values as:- Simplicity Compassion Humility Above are obtained only by constantly practicing the state of No Mind or Wuji or Emptyness during mediation. The more a person practices Wuji or No Mind. The more of these virtues satisfy themselves of their own accord. The term No-Mind does not mean to be without a mind or to be absent mined. The term no Mind originates from Taoist background and was used by Buddhist. Chan had translated it as no deliberate mind of ones own or no mind of ones own and in a Buddhist Context as the non being of mind. The term No-Mind is never meant nor intended to leave us with the impression that no-mind is never meant nor intended to leave us with the impression that no-mind is against direct inution or awakening to something transdecent. A more pithy meaning for no-mind is no discriminating mind. Such a no discriminating mind is the same as True-Mind. In fact the treatise says : Treatise. says as Indeed , no-mind is nothing other than true mind. Further on the treatise says What is called no-mind is nothing other than a mind free from deluded thought. Answer-2 Buddhism was beginned in India in the 6th century B.C. with the birth of Siddhartha Gautam. In the start when siddharta was born, a sage predicted that he would become a great holy man and teacher. Buddha four noble truths are:- Desire is destroyable Existence is unhappiness Unhappiness is caused by self-fish desire or craving Buddhist observes the Ten Percepts as:- No Killing, Stealing, Lying, Unchaste Acts, Intoxicants ,Gossip, Covetousness, Anger, Idle Pride or Insulting the Buddha or his teachings. No mind or No Thought is delusion free state the supreme enlightment. Only by achievement supreme enhightelement by eliminating even the tiniest from Alayavijna , does not attains no mind and it is when one becomes as Buddha. Sentient being ranging from micro organism at the 7th level of sainthood lives inside the realm of the conscious. Bodhitsav which is above that level and who have attained universal enlightment live in the world of the unconscious. What is No Mind? Let understand in this way -Use Mirror as an analogy because mirror is used in Buddhism in explaining Fundamental Mind, Fundamental Nature, and Original Face. Think delusions as dust, no mind as natural state of mirror. Here that mirror which is spotless is Buddha Nature, Fundamental Nature, and Original Face. No mind can also be described in the term of non extinguishing, non producing. Nonextigush is the phase and state of great ray light of wisdom and non producing is the state without trace of dilusion. Nonproducing is non extinguish is the light and tranquil. If you dust off the mirror, you have this natural state. Answer-3 Hui Neng was a influential figure in the Budhhist History. Neng is the famous sixth patriarch of the mediation tradition or chan , In Japaneese it is called as Zen. According to Hui-Neng :- Inborn mind and Active Mind both are same. Clean Mirror and Dusty Mirror both are same. There is no mind, Mind is not a substance. Since there is no mind as substance, there is nothing to get dirty. Hue Neng refers the metaphor of mind as sun surrounded and covered by clouds. Someone just needs to only clear away the clouds to discover the mind shine brightly. Nonproducing is non extinguish is the light and tranquil. If you dust off the Quanzhen ( Full Perfection) school which was a monastic sect that originated in the 12th Century. It Quanzhen sect indicates blatant Chan effect from its view and code of regulations meditation techniques and layout of its monastic compounds. Wang Chongyang the founder of school along with his insistence and cryptic teaching style on diligent practice for all times, it could even be one of the Huineng disciples. Hui Neng followed method as There is no Bodhi Tree and no stand of mirror bright. Since all is void, where can the dust alight? Hui Neng method refers as roughly, with realization that everything is void.It reduces the realization that there is nothing in the way of enlightment so nothing that needs to be done away with or got through we dont do something to attain unimpeded expression of themselves, while we do nothing. By doing nothing, it means that we stop doing what it was we did before that stopped self realization.

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