Thursday, January 2, 2020

The E Commerce Industry Market Overview - 2871 Words

The E – Commerce Industry Global Business Operations MIB London – Jules Ketterlin Market Overview 3 Key data about the online retail market 3 A fast-growing but fragmented market 3 Market Environment 4 PESTEL Analysis 4 Political 4 Economical 4 Social 4 Technological 4 Environmental 5 Legal 5 Competitive Rivalry 5 Amazon 6 Presentation 6 Key figures 6 Corporate strategy and challenges 7 Strengthen online business through Amazon Marketplace 7 Expansion of Amazon Web Services 7 Foray into mobile hardware and e-book market: Amazon Kindle 7 Financial indicators 7 Recommendations 8 Alibaba Group 8 Presentation 8 Key figures 8 Corporate strategy and challenges 9 Leverage the strength of a complete ecosystem 9 Make Alipay a leading global online payment platform 9 Recommendations 9 References 10 Appendix 11 Appendix 1 11 11 Appendix 2 12 12 13 Appendix 3 13 Appendix 4 14 Market Overview Key data about the online retail market In 2013, online retail spending are estimated to reach $1.3bn, up 19.2% in 2012. In this global market, Asia accounts for 33% of the market, followed successively by North America with 31.5% and Western Europe with 25.7%. On average, online retail spending grew by 21% a year between 2011 and 2013, with the main growth being located in the Middle East with 37% average growth and the Asia-Pacific region with 32%. When it comes to internet penetration, which means the percentage of a given population with internet access, its average rateShow MoreRelatedVertical, Horizontal And E Commerce Businesses1549 Words   |  7 PagesVertical, Horizontal and E-Commerce Businesses Conducting business online using the internet has continued to experience significant growth over the last two decades. According to the Internet World Stats (2014) the number of worldwide internet users has grown from an estimated 16 million users in 1995 to 2.9 billion users in 2014. 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